Núria Güell (Vidreres, 1981)
With strict positioning oriented to create mechanisms for dissent, Núria Güell’s work addresses and reformulates the limits of legality. By studying the established legality, Núria detects the abuse of power committed by institutions. Her projects develop as disruptive tactics in specific contexts that engage and collaborate with agents and institutions, creating multidisciplinary networks.
She graduated in Arts from the University of Barcelona, and furthered her studies at the Cátedra de Arte de Conducta in Havana. Currently, she has just finished a residency in the SOMA of Mexico D.F. Her work has been exhibited at the biennials of Havana, Pontevedra, Ljubljana, Liverpool, Tallinn, as well as in museums in Barcelona, London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Stockholm, Madrid, Hertogenbosch, Istanbul, Leipzig, Bucharest, Zagreb, Cali, Lima, and elsewhere, and in self-managed social centres.
Selected work: Displaced Legal Application #1: Fractional Reserve